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About Dr. Merav Gur

I am a licensed psychologist in New York State and I received my Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Columbia University, Teachers College. I completed my internship training at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, and had served as an adjunct professor and a clinical supervisor at Teachers College Columbia University, teaching an empirically validated psychotherapy practicum to Doctoral students and supervising students at a training clinic. I have also served as a faculty member at Columbia University, Department of Psychiatry – New York State Psychiatric Institute. I received extensive training in research and treatment of panic disorder and social anxiety.  I am on the executive board of the Women’s Mental Health Consortium of NY (www.wmhcny.org), and a clinical supervisor at the Wellness center of the Graduate Center of city college.

I have extensive experience both as a researcher and as a clinician, and these experiences have helped me become a more effective psychologist.  For example, my research experience in the areas of anxiety disorders (such as panic, social phobia), schizophrenia, and maternal depression, has deepened my understanding of these issues, as well as my knowledge of empirically validated treatments. My experience has helped me develop the treatment approach best suited to each of my clients’ needs and goals.

I am trained in psychodynamic psychotherapies, cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT, including mindfulness based and ACT) , Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT).  I received this training in several different settings (inpatient, intensive outpatient, and outpatient – clinic and private practice), and with diverse populations. My clients have differed in their age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and level of functioning.

I am fluent in both English and Hebrew and I conduct treatment in both languages.

Education and Training

Ph.D – Clinical Psychology Columbia University, Teachers College, New York, NY

Teachers College Center for Educational and Psychological Services, Therapist in Training (Psychodynamic and
Supportive Orientation)

St. Luke’s – Roosevelt Hospital Center – Intern, Adult track.  Transitional Day Treatment Program (personality disorders,
DBT training modality), Inpatient Unit, Outpatient Clinic (Psychodynamic, supportive and CBT orientations).

University of Toronto Interpersonal Psychotherapy Training Institute. IPT Training, applied theory and skills.

Columbia University, Department of Psychiatry – postdoctoral research scientist – anxiety disorders clinic (CBT, Social
Anxiety, Panic, IPT, assessment of anxiety in children and adolescents).

Stepping Stones – Clinical Postdoctoral psychotherapist – Individual and group psychotherapy.  CBT, Supportive, and
psychodynamic modalities.

Selected Positions

Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Department of Psychiatry  – Columbia University Medical Center

Adjunct Professor and Clinical Supervisor at Teachers College, Columbia University, Psychology Graduate Program

Columbia University Department of Psychiatry/New York State Psychiatric Institute – Project Director:
•        Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: Assessment/Treatment
•        Pre and Post Partum Depression in Adolescents: Assessment/Treatment

New York State Psychiatric Institute, Schizophrenia Research Unit – CBT Therapist /Clinical Symptom Evaluator

Selected Publications and Presentations

Gur M, Miller L, Warner V, Wickramaratne P, Weissman M (2005). Maternal depression and the
intergenerational transmission of religion, Journal of nervous and Mental Disease, 193(5).

Gur M, Miller L (2004). Mentoring improves acceptance of a community intervention for court referred adolescent boys.
Child & Adolescent Social Work, 21(6), 573-591.

Lipsitz JD, Gur M, Sonnet FM, Dayan PS, Miller SZ, Brown C, Sherman B (2010). Psychopathology and disability in
children with unexplained chest pain presenting to the pediatric emergency department. Pediatric Emergency Care 26
(11) 830-836

Lipsitz JD, Gur M, Albano AM, Sherman BS (2010). A Psychological Intervention for Pediatric Chest Pain: Development
and open trial. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 31.

Miller L., Gur M., Shanok A. & Weissman M. (2008). Interpersonal psychotherapy with pregnant adolescents: two pilot
studies. Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49(7), 733-742.

Lipsitz J.D., Gur M., Miller N., Vermes D., Petkova E, Cheng, J, Miller N, Laino J, Liebowitz M, Fyer A. (2008). A
randomized Trial of Interpersonal Psychotherapy vs. Supportive Psychotherapy for social anxiety disorder. Depression
and Anxiety, 25(6); 542-553.

Lipsitz J.D., Gur M., Miller N., Forand N., Vermes D. (2006). An Open Pilot Study of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Panic
Disorder (IPT-PD). Journal of nervous and Mental Disease, 194(6), 440-445.

Lipsitz JD, Masia-Warner C, Apfel HD, Marans Z, Gur M, Dent H, Fyer AL. (2005) Journal of Psychosomatic Research,
Noncardiac chest pain and psychopathology in children and adolescents, 59(3):185-8.

Miller L, Gur M (2002). Sexual maturation, depression and religion in adolescent girls. Journal of the American Academy
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 41(2), 206-214.

Miller L, Gur M (2002). Religiousness and Sexual Responsibility in Adolescent Girls. Journal of Adolescent Health, 31,

Miller L, Weissman M, Gur M, Greenwald S (2002). Religiousness in Childhood Depressives “Grown up.” Journal of
Nervous and Mental Disease, 190(2), 86-92.

Miller L, Weissman M, Gur M, Adams P (2001). Religiousness and substance use in children of opiate addicts. Journal
of Substance Abuse, 13, 323-336

Storch E, Galek K, Ghiglione G, Gur M, Falco L, Alia-Klein N, Fagin S (2000). Behavioral and intellectual markers for
schizophrenia in apparently healthy male adolescents: comment. American Journal of Psychiatry, 157(9), 1527-1528.


Lipsitz, J, Gur, M, Kamins D (2004). IPT for Panic Disorder – an open clinical trial. Psychotherapy Research
Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2005.

Gur M, Miller L, Warner V, Wickramaratne P, Weissman M (2004). Maternal depression and the intergenerational
transmission of religion, American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 2004.

Miller L., Gur M., Shanok A. & Weissman M. (2004). Group interpersonal psychotherapy for depression in pregnant
adolescents: an open clinical trial. NIMH Conference: Beyond the Clinic Walls. Washington DC.

Gur M, Miller L (2002). Sexual responsibility, physical maturation and religiousness in African-American, Hispanic and
Euro-American adolescent girls. Oral presentation at Women’s Health Conference, American Psychological
Association, Washington DC, February 2002.

Gur M (2002). The challenges of women’s and girls’ mental health. PEO International Women’ s Organization National
Conference June 2002.

Selected Honors/Awards

Columbia University’s Advanced Center for Intervention and Services Research (ACISR): Principal Investigator –
“Managing Chest Pain and Worry: Development and Pilot of a Psychosocial Intervention for Children and Adolescents.
October, 2005.

NIMH young investigator award, Beyond the Clinic Walls , NIMH, 2003

PEO International Fellowship for work with women and girls. May 1999, May 2000.

The Nerken Grant (UJA) – September 1999, September 2000, September 2001.

The Ida Foreman Fleisher Award –September 1999.

Teachers College International Award –September 1999.

The J Beatrice Award for Academic Excellence. September 1998.

The John Dewey Scholar Award – Teachers College, Columbia University. September 1998.

The Paterson Award, Minnesota Psychological Association – May 1998.

United Jewish Fund and Council of Greater St. Paul Award – April 1998

Presidential Fellowship at Hamline University – Fall 1997, 1998

Psychology Departmental Honors at Hamline University. 1998.

Kopp’s award at Hamline University – Fall 1997.